Shaun White was tearful after winning a gold medal on Tuesday night in snowboarding. On Wednesday, though, he's had to change his tune and address the allegations that were brought against him back in 2016, as well as having to apologize for a word that many find unacceptable.
On Wednesday night on an appearance of Today, White apologized for using the word 'gossip' to describe the allegations that were brought against him two years ago. He told Savannah Guthrie, "I'm truly sorry that I chose the word...It was a poor choice of words to describe such a sensitive subject in the world today...I'm just truly sorry. I was so overwhelmed with just wanting to talk about how amazing today was and share my experience, but yeah."
White went further to say that he has "grown as a person over the years," which means he probably understood the situation he was in then and where he has gone to now, but it doesn't mean he's still off the hook for using the word and apologizing for it.
Now, what happened a few years ago that involved Shaun White? So here's the story: A 2016 civil lawsuit was filed in San Diego when a drummer in White's band (yes, he's part of a music band too) claimed that White sexually harassed her and set her images that were graphic and sexual. He has denied those allegations, however, he did admit to sending the text messages, which is bad enough for him, especially with what we live in now. They later reached a settlement in the case, though now they may have to look back into it after White's comments after winning a medal.
We knew White was going to get pressed on this after he won. That's why a reporter asked him about it. The reported baited him, and he took the bait, whether or not he was aware of it. Look, I can understand where he's trying to come from. He's trying to put this to rest and move on. I would try to do the same thing, too, especially if the case was over and done with. Still, in this day in age, you really can't say those words. You can say them privately to a couple of times, but not to a worldwide audience that's looking to see if you slip up or something like that. Looks like he did, and he's catching a lot of heat because of it.
I can accept his apology, because like all of us we make mistakes, and it's hard to see that he's getting bashed for making mistakes or saying stuff we all find to be unacceptable. White is a good person in all of this, but unfortunately now, where we live in, it's always the guilty until proven innocent, at least under sexual misconduct. Now, he did prove his guilt in those text messages and he's faced the consequences as a result, and it's good to see he came out and apologized for his using gossip, but now that means he's under more scrutiny the next time he comes out there to snowboard and win another medal.
The last thing Shaun White needs is more scrutiny following him, and apologizing about him definitely won't help. The thing he's got to do now is bite his tongue and just win. The next time he opens his mouth and says stuff like this, there's going to be more heat on him than ever before. Just keep winning, Shaun, you're a great snowboarder. We don't need you in any more hot water than you're already in.
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