Thursday, October 24, 2013

Will Kaleta Ever Learn His Lesson?

Patrick Kaleta is not getting his suspension reduced, not by Gary Bettman anyway.

On Thursday, the NHL commissioner announced that he will uphold the 10-game suspension imposed on the Sabres forward for his hit to the head of Blue Jackets defenseman Jack Johnson.

Kaleta has been suspended three times and fined another three times for incidents in the past four years, so it's no surprise that Kaleta would lose this appeal.

Bettman agreed with Shanahan on the logic in imposing the 10 games. He was heard as saying, "Kaleta has not responded adequately to the progressive discipline that has been meted out to him so far."

Agreed. Agreed very much on this. Patrick Kaleta is one of the dirtiest players in the league, although with the John Scott hit, maybe you can argue that. But he's becoming worse than Matt Cooke when he got suspended a few times. He's not responding well to the suspensions and he's becoming more aggressive as the suspensions pass. He's gotta get out of the league for a bit. Send him down to the AHL to get him to learn his lesson about head hits. That's the only way I can see him. The Sabres have to do something here. He needs to learn this lesson the hard way. Apparently, the easy way's been done with after his last few hits. He's gotta find a way to stop making these dangerous hits and start learning to be less aggressive and prevent even more serious injury to other players. Based on this, I doubt he'll learn the lesson anytime soon. And that'll be sad because he's an important part to this Sabres team and they're struggling. Who knows what'll happen? Let's see after 10 games have gone by.

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