Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What Should the Courts Do About Matthew Barnaby?

Deportation: Always a bad thing. And right, fired ESPN analyst and former tough guy for several teams, including the Buffalo Sabres, Matthew Barnaby, is facing that right now.

Barnaby was arrested earlier this week on suspicion DWI in Erie County. According to the local district attorney there, this could have consequences on Barnaby's status in the United States. As you may recall, he was accused earlier this year of trying to break open the garage of his estranged wife's home, which was stupid and idiotic.

"If you allegedly commit another crime, you put your ACD in jeopardy," Sedita said Tuesday.

Attempts to reach Barnaby failed and his attorney, Frank LoTempio, has not returned any calls sent to him. Barnaby was fired on Monday after being arrested for DWI, and his scheduled court date might be moved up based on this latest detail.

This is just getting worse and worse for Mr. Barnaby. First, he gets accused of causing about $300 in damage for attempting to enter his estranged wife's home in suburban Buffalo and now this. Now I'll say that Barnaby is a great analyst and knows what he's talking about. But this is really becoming bad. A DWI arrest? This could be something that might get you kicked out of the country, if you're from another country.

Now I know former tough guys are not always great off the ice from time-to-time, but I thought Matthew Barnaby was a great guy who wouldn't do any of this and I was wrong. So I have no problem if he's deported out of the country. No matter what, you do not go around, crushing your wife's garage door or getting DWI arrest and think that as a player, you can get away with it. Just look at all the other players. Patrick Kane got accused of punching a cab driver's face, Kristian Huselius got arrested down in Florida for a crime that I tend to forget, and players that are lost to suspension because of hard hits or crimes off the ice. This is bad judgement, bad decision-making, and a stupid, reckless act.

If I know one thing, I think the courts should go hard on Matthew Barnaby. He was already in trouble once for the garage door and now he's in trouble again for a DWI. I would be surprised if the courts don't do something about this and the jury should take into account his recent history off the ice as well as a tough guy on the ice. I'm sorry, but if you cross the line more than once, there's a good chance people won't go easy on you. He had a chance to get help and instead, this is what happens. For all of you people out there, take note. Don't do stupid and idiotic things like this, because one way or another, you will get in trouble. You think you won't, but you will. Face the facts!

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