Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stars and Flames Might End Up On the Outs

The playoff race is already starting to get a bit interesting. Teams are starting to solidify their positions and other teams are looking on the outside trying to get in.

For the Calgary Flames and the Dallas Stars, it looks like the miracle of trying to get into the playoffs might be diminishing slowly. Calgary lost an ugly 4-2 game to Anaheim and Dallas got shut out by the Sharks 6-0, bringing the idea that two great franchises at the beginning of the season might finally be losing out on their playoff spots.

It doesn't surprise me how good these teams were in the season, but I can guarantee one thing. Whatever you do at the beginning of the season doesn't necessarily translate into how well you do at the end of the season. Unfortunately for Dallas, that really didn't seem to help as it still looks like they'll be out of the playoff picture for the third year in a row.

The Calgary Flames are always a struggling team in my mind. They look like they're built for a playoff run, but in all honesty, they don't have the stacked lower-seeded team like Anaheim or Nashville to really make it far in the playoffs. And that is really sad that once a proud franchise in Canada that everyone rallied around has completely fallen off the charts. Now everyone turns to the Vancouver Canucks as Canada's team.

I guess some greatness doesn't last forever. For Calgary and Dallas, it looks like it's another season of laying on the couch and watching the postseason race of other teams. Once great franchises look like they can completely say they are not going to get in easily. Chicago, Anaheim, and Nashville will make it tough. Dallas has that chance but might not get it, and Calgary only has four games left. Need I say anymore about that?

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