Monday, August 16, 2010

All-Star Game out of Arizona? No Chance

Since there's not much news coming out of the hockey realms, I felt this was a more important story heading forward.

According to the Associated Press, the game on Sunday between the Arizona D-Backs and the Washington Nationals was briefly delayed when a couple of fans ran onto the field, protesting and showing signs that they want the All-Star Game moved out of Phoenix because of Arizona's new immigration legislation.

Of course the new immigration law in Arizona is one of the biggest topics right now in the political world but I never figured it would get this far into the sports world. Now that the sports world is indulged into it, and primarily the D-Backs, Cardinals, and Coyotes, it seems like more of our sports fans are becoming the villains in this mess.

I wouldn't say I particularly agree with the new immigration law but I certainly don't agree with fans trying to move the game out of Arizona. The All-Star committee and MLB in general, have planned for years on where this All-Star Game was being held. They chose Arizona way before this whole law was enacted. So it's not their fault that the entire immigration law was enacted right after they chose it.

Will Bud Selig change the idea and move the All-Star Game somewhere else? I don't think there's a reasonable chance of that. But if it becomes a huge concern that it threatens the entire state of Arizona and baseball in general, then Bud Selig might have to take action and move it somewhere else safer.

This is just one incident that hopefully won't boil over into a huge conflict. I'd be more surprised if more protests like this end up at baseball fields around the country. Then this would be a whole mess that the MLB will have to deal with and they aren't prepared to take on big matters like this.

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