Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Concerned Should We Be About Corey Perry?

The Anaheim Ducks are not where they want to be at the start of this season. Bottom of the NHL's Pacific Division with a 2-7-2 record. Having trouble getting the offense going, and the defense is doing the best they can to keep pucks out of the net. But that's not the worst of the problems. That centers around Corey Perry.

You would think Corey Perry would be a star day in and day out for this Ducks team, but the fact of the matter is, he has no shots on 23 shots in 11 games. Yep, not good at all. And that also could be a factor into Bruce Boudreau losing his job.

Right now, this is a very concerning problem the Ducks have. They're already having trouble on offense, and now with Corey Perry having problems, this team could go South pretty year. I mean, this team was in the playoffs last year, got to the Western Conference Final, and now there's this. I worry that this won't be maken up for.

Right now, Corey Perry's gotta back into the grove of things. He's gotta get his goal-scoring back on track and that means making good plays and getting that puck in the net. I'm not saying he's doing bad, he's just not doing enough to get that puck where it needs to be.

Hopefully, the Ducks can recover and get back into the mix of things, but Corey Perry's gotta come through and make some good plays. Hey, they've got a pretty good schedule coming up with both Florida and Columbus, who are also doing a little poorly. So let's see if Perry can get back on his A game and get this team back to where it needs to be.

Is the Patrick Kane accuser saga over?

We might have seen the last of Patrick Kane being involved in a rape investigation.

His accuser has told investigators that the case "has caused tremendous stress for her and her family" and that she would be dropping the case and would no longer be going forward with it.

Kane has allegedly assaulted the woman on Aug. 2 in his home in Buffalo. He has not been suspended by the NHL for these allegations.

The accuser's former attorney had withdrawn from the case after citing a lack of evidence towards the case.

For Patrick Kane, this might finally mean the end of this story. The accuser withdrawing from the case might mean that she was lying or it might mean that she doesn't have the evidence she needs to actually bring Patrick Kane in.

Patrick Kane seems to me like a guy who's got a good head on his shoulders and this woman might be trying to tap into that and make some headlines out of it, and I believe it failed. On the other hand, we might not have heard the last from this story. In a couple of months, something else might pop up that might let us have to reopen this case. Either way, Patrick Kane has done nothing wrong, which is why the NHL has not suspended him.

The Blackhawks need Kane right now. They sit next to last in the competitive Central Division, and they need his offensive output and scoring to help them get back to the top. Now with this case seemingly over, Kane can now put his focus on the Blackhawks and helping them get back into the mix.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Suspension of Mark Stone

Looks like the Ottawa Senators' leading scorer is gonna hit the bench for two games.

He has been suspended by the NHL for his hit to the head of the Red Wings' Landon Ferraro. Stone was assessed a minor penalty on the play and Ferraro, though he left the game, did return.

The league has said the hit was "reckless." Stone is not a repeat offender and will miss the Senators' games against the Canadiens on Tuesday and against the Jets on Thursday.

I'll be quick and brief. The punishment is justified. Although it was an illegal check to the head, Ferraro did return to the game and did play it out. If he had left for the rest of the game, you could possibly go up to three or four games, but the punishment is served with this two-game suspension. Let's hope the Senators can pick up the pieces and move on for two games without their leading scorer. Trust me, against the Canadiens, it's gonna be one tough battle.